Class OA2ClientLoader<T extends ClientEnvironment>

    • Constructor Detail

      • OA2ClientLoader

        public OA2ClientLoader​(org.apache.commons.configuration.tree.ConfigurationNode node)
    • Method Detail

      • getVersionString

        public String getVersionString()
        Specified by:
        getVersionString in class<T extends ClientEnvironment>
      • createInstance

        public T createInstance​(javax.inject.Provider<TokenForge> tokenForgeProvider,
                                javax.inject.Provider<Client> clientProvider,
                                HashMap<String,​String> constants)
        Factory method. Override this to create the actual instance as needed.
        tokenForgeProvider -
        clientProvider -
        constants -
      • getWellKnownURI

        public String getWellKnownURI()
      • isShowIDToken

        public boolean isShowIDToken()
        An option for the (demo) client that specifies that the user should be shown the ID token at some point. Default is false
      • isOIDCEnabled

        public boolean isOIDCEnabled()
      • getErrorPagePath

        protected String getErrorPagePath()
      • getSecret

        protected String getSecret()
      • getSuccessPagePath

        protected String getSuccessPagePath()
      • getRedirectPagePath

        protected String getRedirectPagePath()
      • isShowRedirectPage

        protected boolean isShowRedirectPage()
      • createInstance

        public T createInstance()
      • isUseBasicAuth

        public Boolean isUseBasicAuth()
        For calls the client makes to the service, use HTTP Basic Authorization rather than passing in the credentials as parameters. Both should be supported, but some other services might only allow for this. This feature is (probably) unused and should be removed at some point.
      • setUseBasicAuth

        public void setUseBasicAuth​(Boolean useBasicAuth)
      • getUIURI

        protected URI getUIURI()
      • getDeviceAuthorizationURI

        protected URI getDeviceAuthorizationURI()
      • getRFC7009Endpoint

        protected URI getRFC7009Endpoint()
      • getRFC7662Endpoint

        protected URI getRFC7662Endpoint()
      • getAuthzURI

        protected URI getAuthzURI()