Class AbstractClientLoader<T extends ClientEnvironment>

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractClientLoader

        protected AbstractClientLoader​(org.apache.commons.configuration.tree.ConfigurationNode node)
      • AbstractClientLoader

        protected AbstractClientLoader​(org.apache.commons.configuration.tree.ConfigurationNode node,
    • Method Detail

      • getAssetProvider

        public abstract AssetProvider getAssetProvider()
      • getAssetStoreProvider

        protected javax.inject.Provider<AssetStore> getAssetStoreProvider()
      • getCfgValue

        protected String getCfgValue​(String key)
        This takes a key and returns the value of the node associated with that key.
        key -
      • getSkin

        protected String getSkin()
      • getKeypairLifetime

        protected long getKeypairLifetime()
      • getMaxAssetLifetime

        protected long getMaxAssetLifetime()
      • isEnableAssetCleanup

        protected boolean isEnableAssetCleanup()
      • createServiceURI

        protected URI createServiceURI​(String foundURI,
                                       String baseUri,
                                       String serviceEndpoint)
        Checks if there is a found uri in the configuration. If so, check that and use it, if not, try and construct the service endpoint from the base uri.
        foundURI -
        baseUri -
        serviceEndpoint -
      • checkCertLifetime

        protected long checkCertLifetime()
      • getId

        protected String getId()
      • getCallback

        protected URI getCallback()
      • checkProtocol

        protected void checkProtocol​(String b)
        Fix for OAUTH-107. Check that the protocols are indeed https as per spec at client loading rather than wait for a much later error from a server possibly trying to do a redirect. It is ok for the argument to be null, since that just means that a (correct) address will be created. This is to find mis-specified service addresses.
        b -
      • getBaseURI

        protected String getBaseURI()
      • getAccessTokenURI

        protected URI getAccessTokenURI()
      • getAssetURI

        protected URI getAssetURI()
      • getAuthorizeURI

        protected URI getAuthorizeURI()
      • getInitiateURI

        protected URI getInitiateURI()
      • load

        public T load()
        Specified by:
        load in interface<T extends ClientEnvironment>
      • getSSLConfiguration

        public getSSLConfiguration()
      • createServiceClient

        public createServiceClient​(URI host)