Class FSClaimSource

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ClaimSource, Serializable

    public class FSClaimSource
    extends BasicClaimsSourceImpl
    A claim source backed by a file system. The file simply contains a JSON object of userids and attributes associated with that id. These are then returned as claims. Alternately, the JSON itself can just be set and used. This is how QDL utilities do it so they can fetch the JSON from a virtual file system.

    Created by Jeff Gaynor
    on 10/21/19 at 12:49 PM

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail


        public static String FILE_PATH_KEY
        The name of the property in the configuration that specifies where the file is that holds the claims for this source.

        public static String FILE_CLAIM_KEY
        This is the name of the key in the claims to use. E.g. setting this to "sub" means the sub claim is used. It defaults to the username in the transaction if not set.

        public static String USE_DEFAULT_KEY
        Boolean-valued claim. If a user is not found, return a default record. This is useful if, e.g., this source contains a set of capabilites that are applied to more or less every user with a few exception.

        public static String DEFAULT_CLAIM_KEY
        The id in the file that contains the default set of claims. Not that this is ignored unless USE_DEFAULT_KEY is set.
    • Constructor Detail

      • FSClaimSource

        public FSClaimSource​(edu.uiuc.ncsa.qdl.variables.QDLStem stem)
      • FSClaimSource

        public FSClaimSource​(edu.uiuc.ncsa.qdl.variables.QDLStem stem,
                             OA2SE oa2SE)