Class ServiceTransaction

  • All Implemented Interfaces:,, Serializable, Cloneable

    public class ServiceTransaction
    extends BasicTransaction
    Server-side transactions. These should be stored between (the stateless) calls in the protocol.

    Created by Jeff Gaynor
    on Apr 16, 2010 at 10:36:51 AM

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail

      • authGrantValid

        public boolean authGrantValid
      • accessTokenValid

        public boolean accessTokenValid
    • Constructor Detail

      • ServiceTransaction

        public ServiceTransaction​( identifier)
    • Method Detail

      • isAuthGrantValid

        public boolean isAuthGrantValid()
      • setAuthGrantValid

        public void setAuthGrantValid​(boolean authGrantValid)
      • isAccessTokenValid

        public boolean isAccessTokenValid()
      • setAccessTokenValid

        public void setAccessTokenValid​(boolean accessTokenValid)
      • getCallback

        public URI getCallback()
      • setCallback

        public void setCallback​(URI callback)
      • getClient

        public Client getClient()
      • setClient

        public void setClient​(Client client)
      • setLifetime

        public void setLifetime​(long lifetime)
      • getLifetime

        public long getLifetime()
        The lifetime of the certificate. This is stored internally in milliseconds, so must be converted to seconds before use in most applications.
      • getUsername

        public String getUsername()
      • setUsername

        public void setUsername​(String username)
      • getCertReq

        public getCertReq()
      • setCertReqString

        public void setCertReqString​(String certReqString)
      • getCertReqString

        public String getCertReqString()
      • setCertReq

        public void setCertReq​(String certReq)
      • setCertReq

        public void setCertReq​( certReq)
      • formatToString

        protected String formatToString()
      • getResponseTypes

        public List<String> getResponseTypes()