Class BasicClaimsSourceImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • BasicClaimsSourceImpl

        public BasicClaimsSourceImpl​(OA2SE oa2SE)
      • BasicClaimsSourceImpl

        public BasicClaimsSourceImpl()
      • BasicClaimsSourceImpl

        public BasicClaimsSourceImpl​(edu.uiuc.ncsa.qdl.variables.QDLStem stem)
      • BasicClaimsSourceImpl

        public BasicClaimsSourceImpl​(edu.uiuc.ncsa.qdl.variables.QDLStem stem,
                                     OA2SE oa2SE)
    • Method Detail

      • getOmitList

        public List<String> getOmitList()
        This is the list of claims from the headers to omit. In other words, this module will reject these out of hand and never return them in a claims object. This is extremely useful in not having existing claims being over-written (which can happen if something like mod_auth_openidc is acting as an intermediary and adding spurious claims.)
      • setOmitList

        public void setOmitList​(List<String> omitList)
      • setConfiguration

        public void setConfiguration​(ClaimSourceConfiguration configuration)
        Description copied from interface: ClaimSource
        This passes in a JSONObject that is in turn used to configure the source. It is up to the implementaton to make sense of this.
        Specified by:
        setConfiguration in interface ClaimSource
      • hasJSONPreProcessor

        public boolean hasJSONPreProcessor()
      • hasJSONPostProcessor

        public boolean hasJSONPostProcessor()
      • getOa2SE

        public OA2SE getOa2SE()
        Optionally, the service environment may be injected into a scope handler to get configuration of components, e.g.
      • setOa2SE

        public void setOa2SE​(OA2SE oa2SE)
      • getScopes

        public Collection<String> getScopes()
        Description copied from interface: ClaimSource
        A list of scopes that this source supports. Any scope that is not recognized by this source should be rejected.
        Specified by:
        getScopes in interface ClaimSource
      • setGroupHandler

        public void setGroupHandler​(GroupHandler groupHandler)
      • isRunAtAuthorization

        public boolean isRunAtAuthorization()
        This should usually be false. It is true only for those sources that can ONLY run at authorization, such as HTTPHeaderClaimsSource, where the information is simply not available in later phases.
        Specified by:
        isRunAtAuthorization in interface ClaimSource
      • getPreProcessor

        public getPreProcessor()
        Description copied from interface: ClaimSource
        This is the preprocessor after it has run. It is not available until execution time since it has to be constructed on the fly from the current state of the claims.
        Specified by:
        getPreProcessor in interface ClaimSource
      • fromQDL

        public void fromQDL​(edu.uiuc.ncsa.qdl.variables.QDLStem stem)
        Specified by:
        fromQDL in interface ClaimSource
      • toQDL

        public edu.uiuc.ncsa.qdl.variables.QDLStem toQDL()
        Specified by:
        toQDL in interface ClaimSource