A note on time and units

As of 5.1, all the times for grants, access tokens and refresh tokens may have units specified. So this is a perfectly acceptable snipped from a configuration file:

    <service name="localhost:oa4mp.oa2.mariadb"
             defaultAccessTokenLifetime="1009000 ms"
             maxAccessTokenLifetime="30 mins."
             maxClientRefreshTokenLifetime="2592000 sec"
             maxRefreshTokenLifetime="2 weeks"
    <!-- lots of stuff -->

Note that, in order to maintain backwards compatibility, the assumption is that all of these without units are in seconds. Blanks before and after units are allowed. Units may be plural as needed and short forms may optionally end with a period. They are also case insensitive. So all of these are the same:

  • 3600 s
  • 3600s
  • 3600         s
  • 3600 s.
  • 3600 sec
  • 3600 sec.
  • 3600 secs
  • 3600 secs.
  • 3600 Secs.
  • 3600 seconds
  • 3600 seconDs

Table of allowed units:

Short Long Description
ms millisecond milliseconds
s or sec second One second is 1,000 milliseconds
min minute One minute is 60 seconds
hr hour One hour is 3600 seconds
d day One day is 24 hours
wk week One week is 7 days
mo month One month is 30 days
yr year One year is 365.25 days