Here is a list of the supported specifications that OA4MP implements directly. Note that not every feature is implemented! There are flows we do not support and optional features are treated generally as optional, meaning we may implement them, but there are no promises. However, core feature are implemented.
Name | Description |
OIDC Discovery | OIDC Discovery |
SciTokens | SciTokens |
WLCG Tokens | WLCG Tokens |
rfc6749 | OAuth 2 |
rfc6750 | Bearer token usage |
rfc7009 | Token revocation |
rfc7515 | JWS (Java Web Signing) specification |
rfc7517 | JWKS (JSON WebKey) specification |
rfc7518 | JWA (JSON Web Algorithms) specification |
rfc7519 | JWT (JSON Web Token) specification |
rfc7523 | JWT Profile for OAuth 2.0 Client Authentication and Authorization Grants |
rfc7591 | Dynamic client registration protocol |
rfc7592 | Dynamic client management protocol |
rfc7636 | Proof key for code exchange |
rfc7662 | Token introspection |
rfc8259 | JSON specification (most current, so UTF-8 encodings only, etc.) |
rfc8414 | OAuth2 Discovery |
rfc8628 | Device flow |
rfc8693 | Token exchange |
rfc8725 | JWT best practices |
rfc9068 | JWTs for web access tokens |
rfc9207 | Returning an issuer identifier |
Name | Description |
rfc6750 | Bearer token usage |
rfc8628 | Device flow |
rfc7592 | Dynamic client management protocol |
rfc7591 | Dynamic client registration protocol |
rfc8259 | JSON specification (most current, so UTF-8 encodings only, etc.) |
rfc7518 | JWA (JSON Web Algorithms) specification |
rfc7517 | JWKS (JSON Web Key) specification |
rfc7515 | JWS (Java Web Signing) specification |
rfc8725 | JWT best practices |
rfc7523 | JWT Profile for OAuth 2.0 Client Authentication and Authorization Grants |
rfc7519 | JWT (JSON Web Token) specification |
rfc9068 | JWTs for web access tokens |
rfc6749 | OAuth 2 |
OAuth2 Discovery | OAuth 2 Discovery |
OIDC Discovery | OIDC Discovery |
rfc7636 | Proof key for code exchange |
rfc9207 | Returning an issuer identifier |
SciTokens | SciTokens |
rfc8693 | Token exchange |
rfc7662 | Token introspection |
rfc7009 | Token revocation |
WLCG Tokens | WLCG Tokens |