This page contains the annotated DTD for the service configuration file. To see what something does, click on it. For a note generally on how to use configurations, look here.
NOTES: This is for a configuration file and the tag names are case sensitive, so <filestore> and <fileStore> are not the same! Also, note the color of OAuth 2 only options!
<!ELEMENT config (service)*> <!ELEMENT service (myproxy| mysql| mariadb| postgresql| apache derby| fileStore|memoryStore| mail| scopes| messages| logging| clientManagement| authorizationServlet| deviceFlowServlet| QDL| JSONWebKey )*> <!ATTLIST service address CDATA #IMPLIED accessTokenLifetime authorizationGrantLifetime clientSecretLength CDATA #IMPLIED debug CDATA #IMPLIED defaultAccessTokenLifetime CDATA #IMPLIED defaultRefreshTokenLifetime CDATA #IMPLIED defaultIDTokenLifetime CDATA #IMPLIED disableDefaultStores CDATA #IMPLIED enableDeviceFlow CDATA #IMPLIED enableMontor CDATA #IMPLIED enableMontor CDATA #IMPLIED enableMontor CDATA #IMPLIED enableTokenExchange CDATA #IMPLIED enableTwoFactorSupport CDATA #IMPLIED issuer CDATA #IMPLIED maxAuthorizationGrantLifetime CDATA #IMPLIED maxAccessTokenLifetime CDATA #IMPLIED maxAllowedNewClientRequests CDATA #IMPLIED maxClientRefreshTokenLifetime CDATA #IMPLIED maxIDTokenLifetime CDATA #IMPLIED maxRefreshTokenLifetime CDATA #IMPLIED name CDATA #IMPLIED OIDCEnabled CDATA #IMPLIED pingable CDATA #IMPLIED rfc7636Required CDATA #IMPLIED pollingDirectory CDATA #IMPLIED pollingInterval CDATA #IMPLIED cleanupInterval CDATA #IMPLIED cleanupAlarms CDATA #IMPLIED refreshTokenEnabled CDATA #IMPLIED refreshTokenLifetime CDATA #IMPLIED safe_gc CDATA #IMPLIED scheme CDATA #IMPLIED schemeSpecificPart CDATA #IMPLIED serverDN CDATA #IMPLIED version CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT messages (retryMessage)*> <!ELEMENT retryMessage (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT myproxy (keystore| ssl)> <!ATTLIST myproxy host CDATA #REQUIRED port CDATA #REQUIRED socketTimeout CDATA #IMPLIED serverDN CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT keystore (assetStore)*> <!ATTLIST keystore path CDATA #REQUIRED password CDATA #REQUIRED type CDATA #REQUIRED factory CDATA #REQUIRED useJavaKeystore CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT clients> <!ELEMENT clientApprovals> <!ELEMENT transactions> <!ELEMENT permissions> <!ELEMENT adminClients> <!ELEMENT txStore> <!ELEMENT voStore> <!ATTLIST clients tablename CDATA #IMPLED> <!ATTLIST clientApprovals tablename CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST transactions tablename CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST permissions tablename CDATA #IMPLED> <!ATTLIST adminClients tablename #IMPLED> <!ATTLIST txStore tablename CDATA #IMPLED> <!ATTLIST voStore tablename CDATA #IMPLED> <!ELEMENT memoryStore (clients|clientApprovals|transactions|permissions|adminClients|txStore|voStore)*> <!ELEMENT fileStore (clients|clientApprovals|transactions|permissions|adminClients|txStore|voStore)*> <!ATTLIST fileStore dataPath CDATA #IMPLIED indexPath CDATA #IMPLIED path CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT mysql (clients|clientApprovals|transactions|permissions|adminClients|txStore|voStore)*> <!ATTLIST mysql password CDATA #REQUIRED port CDATA #IMPLIED host CDATA #IMPLIED username CDATA #REQUIRED schema CDATA #IMPLIED database CDATA #IMPLIED tablename CDATA #IMPLIED tablePrefix CDATA #IMPLIED driver CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT derby (clients|clientApprovals|transactions|permissions|adminClients|txStore|voStore)*> <!ATTLIST derby password CDATA #REQUIRED username CDATA #REQUIRED bootPassword CDATA #REQIRED database CDATA #REQUIRED schema CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT mariadb (clients|clientApprovals|transactions|permissions|adminClients|txStore|voStore)*> <!ATTLIST mariadb password CDATA #REQUIRED port CDATA #IMPLIED host CDATA #IMPLIED username CDATA #REQUIRED schema CDATA #IMPLIED database CDATA #IMPLIED tablename CDATA #IMPLIED tablePrefix CDATA #IMPLIED driver CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT postgresql (clients|clientApprovals|transactions|permissions|adminClients|txStore|voStore)*> <!ATTLIST postgresql username CDATA #REQUIRED password CDATA #REQUIRED port CDATA #IMPLIED schema CDATA #IMPLIED database CDATA #IMPLIED tablename CDATA #IMPLIED tablePrefix CDATA #IMPLIED driver CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT ldap(address|port|password|principal|searchBase|searchAttributes|ssl)* <!ELEMENT ldap (address|port|password|principal|searchBase|searchAttributes|ssl)*> <!ATTLIST ldap enabled CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT address (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT port (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT password (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT principal (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT searchBase (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT searchAttributes (attribute)*> <!ELEMENT attribute (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENTssl(trustStore|keystore)* debug CDATA #IMPLIED tlsVersion CDATA #REQUIRED useJavaTrustStore CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT trustStore (path|password|type)*> <!ELEMENT path (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT password (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT type (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT keyStore (path|password|factory|type)*> <!ELEMENT path (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT password (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT factory (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT type (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT logging <!ATTLIST logFileName CDATA #REQUIRED logName CDATA #IMPLIED logSize CDATA #IMPLIED logFileCount CDATA #IMPLIED debug CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT messageTemplate (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT subjectTemplate (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT authorizationServlet (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST useHeader CDATA #IMPLIED requireHeader CDATA #IMPLIED headerFieldName CDATA #IMPLIED returnDNAsUsername CDATA #IMPLIED verifyUsername CDATA #IMPLIED showLogon CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT deviceFlowServlet (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST verificationURI CDATA #IMPLIED interval CDATA #IMPLIED codeChars CDATA #IMPLIED codeLength CDATA #IMPLIED codeSeparator CDATA #IMPLIED codePeriodLength CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT clientManagement (api)*> <!ATTLIST enabled CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT api (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST enabled CDATA #IMPLIED protocol CDATA #REQUIRED endpoint CDATA #IMPLIED url CDATA #IMPLIED anonymousOK CDATA #IMPLIED template CDATA #IMPLIED autoApprove CDATA #IMPLIED autoApproverName CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT mail (messageTemplate|subjectTemplate)*> <!ATTLIST mail enabled CDATA #IMPLIED useSSL CDATA #IMPLIED starttls CDATA #IMPLIED username CDATA #IMPLIED password CDATA #IMPLIED debug CDATA #IMPLIED server CDATA #IMPLIED port CDATA #IMPLIED recipents CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT JSONWebKey (path)> <!ATTLIST defaultKeyID CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT path (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT scopes(scope)*> <!ATTLIST scopes handler CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT scope(#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST scope enabled CDATA #IMPLIED> ]>
A few examples
Drop the war from the website into your Tomcat webapps directory, then put this into a file called cfg.xml and drop it into the WEB-INF directory. This will
<config> service address="http://localhost/oauth" debug="true"/> </config>
This is very simple and easy to get up and running. This does not give a usable configuration though, since there is no way to store or approve clients since they live only in memory. This useful to show that your installation is correct and that the configuration file itself can be found. Note that on redeploys the cfg.xml file might get over-written. See the configuration page for how to specify an alternate location.
This will store all items into the local file system and use the specified myproxy server.
Same as example 2, but with email notifications enabled. This will send out a message whenever a new client registers itself so that an approver will know to review to application.
<config> <service address=""> <myproxy host="" port="7514"/> <fileStore path="/var/www/store"> <transactions/> <clients/> <clientApprovals/> </fileStore> <mail enabled="true" useSSL="true" username="" password="www" server="" recipents=";"> <messageTemplate>/var/www/config/message.txt</messageTemplate> <subjectTemplate>/var/www/config/subject.txt</subjectTemplate> </mail> <logging logFileName="/var/log/tomcat6/oa4mp.xml" logName="oa4mp" logSize="100000" logFileCount="2" debug="true/> </service> </config>
This will enable email, use ssl and login in as the given username. Note that there are two recipients in the (comma-separated) list. A message and subject template are specified.
In this example, different accounts are required for each component. To keep the size down, no email notifications are enabled here and MyProxy is assumed to be running on localhost.
<config> <service name="my-config"> <mysql host="" username="xup-portal" password="bar"> <transactions/> </mysql> <mysql username="xup-client" password="bar"> <clients/> </mysql> <mysql username="xup-approver" password="bar"> <clientApprovals/> </mysql> </service> </config>
Several different types of storage are mixed in the next example. This is just to show how it is done.
<config> <service name="my fancy configuration" version="1.0" address=""> <myproxy host="" port="7512"/> <mysql username="foo" password="bar"> <clients/> </mysql> <fileStore path="/path/to/store"> <clientApprovals/> </fileStore> <memoryStore> <transactions/> </memoryStore> <mail enabled="true" useSSL="true" username="qqq" password="www" server="" port="3321" recipents="tom;dick;harry"> <messageTemplate>/var/www/config/message.txt</messageTemplate> <subjectTemplate>/var/www/config/subject.txt</subjectTemplate> </mail> </service> </config>