Class LDAPConfiguration

    • Constructor Detail

      • LDAPConfiguration

        public LDAPConfiguration()
    • Method Detail

      • getSearchNameKey

        public String getSearchNameKey()
      • setSearchNameKey

        public void setSearchNameKey​(String searchNameKey)
      • getSecurityPrincipal

        public String getSecurityPrincipal()
      • setSecurityPrincipal

        public void setSecurityPrincipal​(String securityPrincipal)
      • getSearchBase

        public String getSearchBase()
      • setSearchBase

        public void setSearchBase​(String searchBase)
      • getSearchAttributes

        public Map<String,​LDAPConfigurationUtil.AttributeEntry> getSearchAttributes()
        Search attributes are recorded as a map. The key is the search term in the LDAP query. The value is the name that should be returned for this attribute in the claim.
      • getSearchFilterAttribute

        public String getSearchFilterAttribute()
      • setSearchFilterAttribute

        public void setSearchFilterAttribute​(String searchFilterAttribute)
      • getPassword

        public String getPassword()
      • setPassword

        public void setPassword​(String password)
      • getPort

        public int getPort()
      • setPort

        public void setPort​(int port)
      • getServer

        public String getServer()
        This is a raw string of addresses (possibly plural) all comma separated. Each address will be checked in sequence. The idea is that there are multiple LDAP servers with identical configurations that have difference addresses in case of failure (, and the contract is that if there are multiple addresses here, they will be sequentially checked until one of them works and then the LDAP claim source is deemed done. Only in the case that all the addresses fail is a failure raised.
      • setServer

        public void setServer​(String server)
      • getSslConfiguration

        public getSslConfiguration()
      • setSslConfiguration

        public void setSslConfiguration​( sslConfiguration)
      • getAuthType

        public int getAuthType()
        This will return the corresponding number for the security authorization (see constants in LDAPConfigurationUtil) which can be used for switch statements.
      • setAuthType

        public void setAuthType​(int authType)
      • getContextName

        public String getContextName()
        The name of the context for the JNDI, Attributes) function. If this is omitted in the configuration, then it is set to the empty string.
      • setContextName

        public void setContextName​(String contextName)
      • getSearchScope

        public String getSearchScope()
      • setSearchScope

        public void setSearchScope​(String searchScope)
      • hasSearchScope

        public boolean hasSearchScope()
      • getAdditionalFilter

        public String getAdditionalFilter()
        This is used as part of the search filter. A normal one would be
             ((& + getSearchFilterAttribute() + claim + )(getAdditionalFilter()))
        So one might look like
        Generally this will be dropped verbatim in the slot, so include parentheses.
      • setAdditionalFilter

        public void setAdditionalFilter​(String additionalFilter)