Class AGIResponse2

    • Constructor Detail

      • AGIResponse2

        public AGIResponse2​(boolean isOIDC)
    • Method Detail

      • isEncodeToken

        public boolean isEncodeToken()
        Set true only if you want the token encoded in the response. Note:
        • Normal functioning of the service does not need this, but certain extensions (such as CILogon) which take the response then do other operations before creating their own callback URI do need this encoded.
        • This only applies to writing the response to the stream.
        In general, do not set this true unless you really have a good idea that you must do it.
      • setEncodeToken

        public void setEncodeToken​(boolean encodeToken)
      • getClient

        public Client getClient()
      • setGrant

        public void setGrant​(AuthorizationGrant grant)
        Setter for grant
        grant - Authorization grant object
      • write

        public void write​(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)
                   throws IOException
        Write the appropriate auth response
        Specified by:
        write in interface IssuerResponse
        response - Response object to write (using OutputStream)