Class PermissionMemoryStore<V extends Permission>

    • Constructor Detail

      • PermissionMemoryStore

        public PermissionMemoryStore​(<V> identifiableProvider)
    • Method Detail

      • getMostRecent

        public List<V> getMostRecent​(int n,
                                     List<String> attributes)
        Specified by:
        getMostRecent in interface<V extends Permission>
      • getAdmins

        public List<> getAdmins​( clientID)
        Description copied from interface: PermissionsStore
        A list of all admin ids for a given client.
        Specified by:
        getAdmins in interface PermissionsStore<V extends Permission>
      • getClients

        public List<> getClients​( adminID)
        Description copied from interface: PermissionsStore
        A list of all identifiers that a given admin can manage.
        Specified by:
        getClients in interface PermissionsStore<V extends Permission>
      • get

        public PermissionList get​( adminID,
        Description copied from interface: PermissionsStore
        Retrieve a permission from the admin and client identifier.
        Specified by:
        get in interface PermissionsStore<V extends Permission>
      • getErsatzChain

        public Permission getErsatzChain​( adminID,
        Description copied from interface: PermissionsStore
        Get the specific permission with the chain starting with clientID and ending with ersatzID.
        Specified by:
        getErsatzChain in interface PermissionsStore<V extends Permission>
      • hasEntry

        public boolean hasEntry​( adminID,
        Description copied from interface: PermissionsStore
        Returns whether or not there is an entry for this pair of identifiers. There is at most one permission for any such pair
        Specified by:
        hasEntry in interface PermissionsStore<V extends Permission>
      • addToClients

        protected void addToClients​(V p)
      • addToAdmins

        protected void addToAdmins​(V p)
      • clear

        public void clear()
        Specified by:
        clear in interface Map<,​V extends Permission>
        clear in class HashMap<,​V extends Permission>
      • removeFromClients

        protected void removeFromClients​(V p)
      • removeFromAdmins

        protected void removeFromAdmins​(V p)
        Part of the contract for this store is that saving a permission with an updated ID (AC or client) should remove the old value, which means we have to clean out stale entries from the clientMpa and adminMap. The problem with a memory store is that the permission
        p -
      • put

        public V put​( key,
                     V value2)
        Specified by:
        put in interface Map<,​V extends Permission>
        put in class HashMap<,​V extends Permission>
      • getXMLConverter

        public<V> getXMLConverter()
        Specified by:
        getXMLConverter in interface<V extends Permission>