Class SQLTXRecordStore<V extends TXRecord>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    TXStore<V>,<V>, Map<,​V>

    public class SQLTXRecordStore<V extends TXRecord>
    implements TXStore<V>
    Note that the identifier is simple the JTI of the token and may be either an access or refresh token. The important bit is that there si also a pernt id which is the auth grant of the original service transaction. This is how they tie together.

    Created by Jeff Gaynor
    on 12/14/20 at 10:40 AM

    • Constructor Detail

      • SQLTXRecordStore

        public SQLTXRecordStore​( connectionPool,
                                TXRecordTable table,
                                javax.inject.Provider<V> identifiableProvider,
                                TXRecordConverter<V> converter)
    • Method Detail

      • getByParentID

        public List<V> getByParentID​( parentID)
        Description copied from interface: TXStore
        Get a list of all records for a given parent.
        Specified by:
        getByParentID in interface TXStore<V extends TXRecord>
      • getCountByParent

        public int getCountByParent​( parentID)
        Specified by:
        getCountByParent in interface TXStore<V extends TXRecord>
      • getCreationTSField

        public String getCreationTSField()
        Specified by:
        getCreationTSField in class<V extends TXRecord>