Class OA2ClientFunctorScriptsFactory<V extends OA2ClientFunctorScripts>

    • Constructor Detail

      • OA2ClientFunctorScriptsFactory

        public OA2ClientFunctorScriptsFactory​(net.sf.json.JSONObject config,
    • Method Detail

      • createClaimSource

        public void createClaimSource​(V cc,
                                      net.sf.json.JSONObject json)
        Create the claims sources from the configuration runtime information and set it in the configuration. You must do this before using the sources. Response is never null
        json -
        cc -
      • extractClaimsSource

        public void extractClaimsSource​( script,
                                        net.sf.json.JSONObject json,
                                        LinkedList<ClaimSource> claimSources)
      • setupClaimSource

        protected ClaimSource setupClaimSource​(String alias,
                                               String configName,
                                               net.sf.json.JSONObject json)
        Setup the claim sources from the configuration given the alias of the source to use and the name of the configuration to use.
        alias -
        configName -
        json - - the TOP LEVEL configuration object
      • setupPreProcessing

        public void setupPreProcessing​(V cc,
                                       net.sf.json.JSONObject json)
      • setupPostProcessing

        public void setupPostProcessing​(V cc,
                                        net.sf.json.JSONObject json)