Class CMConfigs

    • Constructor Detail

      • CMConfigs

        public CMConfigs()
    • Method Detail

      • isEnabled

        public boolean isEnabled()
        Globally enables or disables this entire facility.
      • setEnabled

        public void setEnabled​(boolean enabled)
      • createConfigEntry

        protected static CMConfig createConfigEntry​(String protocol,
                                                    String serverAddress,
                                                    String endpoint,
                                                    String rawURI,
                                                    String enabled)
        Create and entry from a bunch of strings. This is a factory method.
        protocol -
        serverAddress -
        endpoint -
        rawURI -
        enabled -
      • createURIFromProtocol

        protected static URI createURIFromProtocol​(String protocol,
                                                   String rawAddress,
                                                   String endpoint,
                                                   String rawURI)
      • getOA4MPConfig

        public CMConfig getOA4MPConfig()
      • getRFC7592Config

        public CMConfig getRFC7592Config()
      • hasOA4MPConfig

        public boolean hasOA4MPConfig()
      • hasRFC7591Config

        public boolean hasRFC7591Config()
      • hasRFC7592Config

        public boolean hasRFC7592Config()