Class CM7591Config

  • public class CM7591Config
    extends CMConfig
    Configuration object for RFC 7591 (dynamic client registration) support. This operates at the server level, not as an attribute of a given client. See the online documentation for details. A simple, global level template is available.

    Created by Jeff Gaynor
    on 8/21/21 at 4:58 PM

    • Field Detail

      • template

        public template
      • anonymousOK

        public boolean anonymousOK
      • autoApprove

        public boolean autoApprove
      • autoApproverName

        public String autoApproverName
    • Constructor Detail

      • CM7591Config

        public CM7591Config()
      • CM7591Config

        public CM7591Config​(String protocol,
                            URI uri,
                            boolean enabled,
                            boolean anonymousOK,
                            boolean autoApprove)