All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AbandonedRule |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/12/24 at 4:37 PM
AbstractClientEnvironment |
Top-level client environment class.
AbstractDelegationServiceProvider |
A provider (i.e.
AbstractInstaller |
This centralizes the common code for the server and client installers.
AbstractIssuer |
An issuer creates and issues something (usually tokens and protected assets).
AccessToken |
An access token for delegation.
AccessTokenHandlerInterface |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 7/24/20 at 7:28 AM
AccessTokenImpl |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on Mar 16, 2011 at 1:01:13 PM
AddressableServer |
A server that can be accessed via a URI.
AggregateCAStore<V extends ClientApprovalStore> |
An aggregate client approval store.
AggregateClientStore<V extends ClientStore> |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 5/24/12 at 11:18 AM
AggregateTransactionStore<V extends TransactionStore> |
An aggregate store for transactions.
AGI2 |
Authorization grant issuer class.
AGIResponse2 |
Authorization grant response from authorization
endpoint on server
AGIssuer |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 6/3/13 at 3:34 PM
AGRequest |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on Apr 13, 2011 at 3:37:26 PM
AGRequest |
A request for an authorization grant.
AGRequest2 |
This has the lifetime in it directly, since the grant request is done before the transaction
can exist.
AGResponse |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on Apr 13, 2011 at 3:38:49 PM
AGResponse |
AGServer |
Interface for servers tasked with issuing authorization grants.
AGServer2 |
This class manages the client call to the authorization grant server
ASImpl |
Addressable Server implementation to support double dispatch pattern(?)
ATI2 |
Access token issuer class for OAuth2.
ATIResponse2 |
OIDC server response for request for access token
ATIssuer |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 6/3/13 at 3:34 PM
ATRequest |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on Apr 13, 2011 at 4:02:13 PM
ATRequest |
ATResponse |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on Apr 13, 2011 at 4:03:05 PM
ATResponse |
ATResponse2 |
Since the OAuth 2 protocol supports getting a refresh token back from the server with the access token,
we have to include it in this class.
ATServer |
For a server that is tasked with creating access tokens.
ATServer2 |
This class handles the client call to the access token endpoint
ATServer2.IDTokenEntry |
Placeholder class for storing ID tokens.
AuthorizationGrant |
An authorization grant.
AuthorizationGrantImpl |
The OAuth 1.0a version of an AuthorizationGrant
Banners |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 4/24/23 at 12:12 PM
BaseClient |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 5/12/16 at 4:32 PM
BaseClientConverter<V extends BaseClient> |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 10/20/16 at 12:58 PM
BaseClientKeys |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 10/20/16 at 12:57 PM
BaseClientSQLStore<V extends BaseClient> |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 8/6/21 at 2:44 PM
BaseClientStore<V extends BaseClient> |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 10/12/16 at 1:19 PM
BaseClientStoreCommands |
Commands for a base client store.
BaseCommands |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 3/27/15 at 1:49 PM
BasicRequest |
BasicResponse |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on Apr 26, 2011 at 2:14:52 PM
BasicTransaction |
A bean holding a transaction.
BasicTransactionConverter<V extends BasicTransaction> |
A map converter bridging the gap between the interface and the backing store.
BasicTransactionKeys |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 4/25/12 at 3:10 PM
BasicTransactionProvider<V extends BasicTransaction> |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 4/4/12 at 4:23 PM
BasicTransactionTable |
Models and SQL table that holds transactions.
CallbackRequest |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on May 12, 2011 at 1:04:34 PM
CallbackResponse |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on May 12, 2011 at 1:05:23 PM
CBIssuer |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 6/3/13 at 3:35 PM
CBRequest |
Request to a callback server.
CBResponse |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on May 23, 2011 at 11:31:20 AM
CBServer |
Models a server that handles the callback, if there is one.
ClaimSource |
This is charged with modelling the source for sets of claims.
ClaimSourceConfiguration |
ClaimSourceConfigurationUtil |
This is a utility that will take a claim source and make a configuration for it.
ClaimSourceFactory |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 12/19/16 at 11:26 AM
ClaimSourceFactoryRequest |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 12/19/16 at 11:26 AM
CLIApprover |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 3/27/12 at 3:45 PM
Client |
Models a client.
ClientApproval |
A client approval.
ClientApproval.Status |
This status enum has values that the elements assume.
ClientApprovalKeys |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 4/25/12 at 3:07 PM
ClientApprovalStore<V extends ClientApproval> |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 1/9/12 at 4:47 PM
ClientApprovalStoreCommands |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 5/22/13 at 1:51 PM
ClientConverter<V extends Client> |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 4/13/12 at 3:48 PM
ClientFunctorScripts<V extends> |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/5/20 at 2:15 PM
ClientFunctorScriptsFactory<V extends ClientFunctorScripts> |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/5/20 at 2:16 PM
ClientFunctorScriptsUtil |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/5/20 at 2:19 PM
ClientJSONConfigUtil |
This will read the configuration.
ClientKeys |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 4/25/12 at 3:06 PM
ClientMemoryStore<V extends Client> |
Abstract class that gets the inheritance and generics right.
ClientProvider<V extends Client> |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 4/4/12 at 2:54 PM
ClientQDLScripts |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/5/20 at 2:25 PM
ClientQDLScriptsUtil |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/5/20 at 2:28 PM
ClientScripts |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
Marker interface.
ClientScriptsFactory<V extends ClientScripts> |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/5/20 at 2:45 PM
ClientSorter |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 5/22/14 at 10:22 AM
ClientStore<V extends Client> |
Marker interface for client stores
ClientStoreCommands |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 5/21/13 at 4:21 PM
ClientStoreProvider<T extends ClientStore> |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 1/18/12 at 10:02 AM
CommandLineClient |
This is a command line client.
ConfigLoaderTool |
Wraps what used to be method in ConfigurableCommandsImpl
that needed to be generalized.
CopyCommands |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 11/14/13 at 2:38 PM
CopyExtension |
This allows tools to re-use copy routines from custom stores.
CopyTool |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 11/14/13 at 3:15 PM
CopyToolVerifier |
A tool to verify that after a copy, the store contents are identical.
Credential |
Models a credential, which consists of a private key and X509 certificate.
DateThingy |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/12/24 at 1:56 PM
DBConfigLoader<T extends> |
Configurations that deal with storage should extend this.
DelegatedAssetRequest |
Get an asset using delegation.
DelegatedAssetResponse |
The delegated asset.
DelegationRequest |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on Apr 14, 2011 at 3:41:25 PM
DelegationResponse |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on Apr 14, 2011 at 3:42:00 PM
DelegationService |
THE service API.
DoubleDispatchServer |
A server that processes via double dispatch.
DS2 |
Delegation service for OIDC
ExceptionWrapper |
A wrapper around an exception that includes any client active at the time.
FlowStates |
A container for the states that are permitted.
FlowType |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/15/20 at 8:27 AM
FSClientApprovalStore<V extends ClientApproval> |
A store for client approvals.
FSClientStore<V extends Client> |
File-based storage for clients.
FSMigrater |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 3/5/24 at 7:20 AM
FSMigrationTool |
Migration tool for old style file stores to (at this point) a Derby store.
FSMigrationTool.HelpEntry |
FSTransactionStore<V extends BasicTransaction> |
Implementation of a transaction store backed by the file system.
FunctorState |
Marker for compliance with changes to script handling
GenericClientStoreUtils |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 8/10/21 at 9:41 AM
GPRule |
A rule with a grace period
IDTokenHandlerInterface |
Marker interface for handlers that have user meta data.
IDTokenImpl |
This is used for ID tokens.
IDTokenResponse |
This is the superclass for responses that must include the ID token.
Installer |
Really simple installer.
InvalidNonceException |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 9/24/13 at 1:21 PM
IResponse2 |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 6/4/13 at 5:07 PM
IssuerProvider<T extends DoubleDispatchServer> |
Abstract factory for issuers.
IssuerRequest |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on May 13, 2011 at 11:57:57 AM
IssuerResponse |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on May 13, 2011 at 12:00:03 PM
JSONClaimSourceConfig |
All components that are configurations should probably
extend this.
JSONStoreCommands |
JSONUtil |
Budding collection of useful tools for creating complex JSON objects.
Top-level class for the JWT and JWK command line utilities.
JWKUtilCommands |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 5/6/19 at 2:39 PM
JWTRunner |
This will create a JWT.
JWTUtil |
LDAPConfiguration |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 5/3/16 at 11:17 AM
LDAPConfigurationUtil |
A utility that loads the configuration from a node and has the tags, etc.
LDAPConfigurationUtil.AttributeEntry |
ListDistroFiles |
This is a utility class that has the logic of how to make a list of only
the files in the current distribution.
ListRule |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/12/24 at 1:45 PM
MEProvider<V extends MigrationEntry> |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/26/24 at 11:49 AM
MetaRule |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/12/24 at 3:46 PM
MigrateKeys |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/25/24 at 7:19 AM
MigrateStore |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/25/24 at 7:44 AM
MigrateTable |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/25/24 at 7:18 AM
MigrationConstants |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 3/5/24 at 7:20 AM
MigrationEntry |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/25/24 at 7:50 AM
MigrationEntryConverter<V extends MigrationEntry> |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/26/24 at 11:48 AM
MissingTokenException |
An exception when a token that must be present is not.
Monitor |
Class that monitors a server.
MonitoredTable |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 3/29/23 at 11:28 AM
MyOtherJWTUtil2 |
Creates JWT tokens from their serialized form H.P.S (Header, Payload and Signature),
signs them or verifies them.
MyX509Certificates |
This wraps whatever X509 certificate is returned (this depends on the implementation).
MyX509Proxy |
A proxy extension class capable of storing the private key as well next to the certificates
NewToken |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 11/9/20 at 8:34 AM
NonceHerder |
A class to manage nonces (with an in-memory store) and create new ones.
NoSuchClientException |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 6/1/23 at 10:09 AM
OA1AccessTokenImpl |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 11/9/20 at 10:12 AM
OA1AuthorizationGrantImpl |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 11/9/20 at 10:11 AM
OA1Token |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 11/9/20 at 9:00 AM
OA1TokenImpl |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 11/9/20 at 9:00 AM
OA2AdminClientCommands |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 12/8/16 at 12:34 PM
OA2ATException |
This is thrown by the AT servlet and is used to construct the response which
must include JSON.
OA2Claims |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/5/15 at 2:28 PM
OA2CLCCommands |
A command line client.
OA2ClientCommands |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 4/3/14 at 3:24 PM
OA2ClientScopes |
This abstracts the scopes stored in the client so a propert AGIResponse2 can be created.
OA2CommandLineClient |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 5/11/16 at 2:51 PM
OA2Commands |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 4/3/14 at 1:23 PM
OA2ConfigTags |
These are the tags in (XML) configuration files.
OA2ConfigurationLoaderUtils |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 8/26/15 at 3:59 PM
OA2Constants |
Constants that are used as e.g.
OA2CopyTool |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 4/3/14 at 1:27 PM
OA2CopyToolVerifier |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 4/3/14 at 1:30 PM
OA2Errors |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/6/15 at 1:43 PM
OA2GeneralError |
This is for use places where there is no redirect url available.
OA2JSONException |
Used for exceptions that must be returned as JSON.
OA2Monitor |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 4/3/14 at 1:35 PM
OA2PermissionCommands |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 4/7/17 at 3:11 PM
OA2RedirectableError |
A standard OIDC error, where there is a valid redirect and the return codes are turned into parameters in the
OA2Scopes |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/6/15 at 2:04 PM
OA2Scopes.ScopeUtil |
Utility that checks if a given scope is allowed by the protocol.
OA2TokenForge |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 6/4/13 at 4:21 PM
OA2TransactionScopes |
This contains the bits about scopes for a given transaction.
OA2Utilities |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 10/2/13 at 11:58 AM
OA4MPClientInstaller |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 6/19/24 at 7:23 AM
OA4MPServerInstaller |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 6/14/24 at 2:53 PM
OA4MPVersion |
The current release number of OA4MP.
OIDCDiscoveryTags |
These are the standard tags as per section 3 of
OIDCServiceTransactionInterface |
Mostly this exists because of the inheritance hierarchy vis a vis the very ancient OAuth 1
OLDMonitoredFileStore<V extends> |
OLDMonitoredMemoryStore<V extends> |
OLDMonitoredSQLStore<V extends> |
PAI2 |
Protected asset (cert) issuer for Oauth 2 class
PAIResponse2 |
Protected asset (cert) issuer response for OIDC.
PAIssuer |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 6/3/13 at 3:35 PM
PARequest |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on Apr 13, 2011 at 3:38:19 PM
PARequest |
PAResponse |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on Apr 13, 2011 at 3:39:12 PM
PAResponse |
Additional information in the form of a map may be supplied.
PAServer |
A server tasked with processing requests for a protected asset.
PAServer2 |
Handles client call for protected asset (cert?) request
PayloadHandler |
This class is charged with creating and managing the payload of a single type of JWT.
PayloadHandlerConfig |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 7/1/20 at 11:44 AM
ProtectedAsset |
Result returned by the asset server.
RefreshToken |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/21/14 at 3:45 PM
RefreshTokenHandlerInterface |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 8/5/20 at 9:09 AM
RefreshTokenImpl |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 10/2/13 at 12:02 PM
Request |
General delegation request to a service
ResourceOwner |
Models the owner of the resource (e.g.
Response |
Marker interface for server responses.
ResultStats |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/14/24 at 11:21 AM
RFC6749_4_4_Response |
RFC6749_4_4Request |
RFC6749_4_4Server |
RFC7009Request |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 5/19/21 at 6:29 AM
RFC7009Response |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 5/19/21 at 6:30 AM
RFC7009Server |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 5/19/21 at 6:29 AM
RFC7009Server2 |
For RFC 7009 -- the revocation endpoint.
RFC7523Constants |
Constants relating to RFC7523,
client authorization with JWTs.
RFC7523Request |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 6/6/23 at 3:05 PM
RFC7523Response |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 6/6/23 at 3:05 PM
RFC7523Server |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 6/6/23 at 3:11 PM
RFC7523Utils |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 6/5/23 at 10:02 AM
RFC7636Util |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 8/27/21 at 9:20 AM
RFC7662Constants |
Constants for RFC 7662,
the token introspection endpoint.
RFC7662Request |
Note that since this uses bearer tokens, the access token must always be supplied.
RFC7662Response |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 5/19/21 at 6:16 AM
RFC7662Server |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 5/19/21 at 6:21 AM
RFC7662Server2 |
For RFC 7662 -- the introspection endpoint.
RFC8623Server |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 7/19/23 at 9:29 AM
RFC8628Constants |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/9/21 at 11:22 AM
RFC8693Constants |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 6/24/20 at 11:43 AM
RFC9068Constants |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 11/16/21 at 8:24 AM
RTI2 |
Refresh Token Issuer for OAuth2.
RTIRequest |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/26/14 at 11:32 AM
RTIResponse |
Contains both an access token and refresh token.
RTRequest |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/24/14 at 11:19 AM
RTResponse |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/24/14 at 11:19 AM
RTServer |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/24/14 at 11:20 AM
RTServer2 |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/26/14 at 2:18 PM
RuleFilter |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/12/24 at 1:48 PM
This is the command line version of the CLI to talk to a SAS instance.
ScriptingConstants2 |
ScriptRuntimeException |
If there is a user-created exception thrown by the ScriptRuntimeEngine
this will be thrown.
Server |
Top-level model for any server.
ServiceTransaction |
Server-side transactions.
ServiceTransactionConverter<V extends ServiceTransaction> |
Converts maps to or from server-side transactions.
ServiceTransactionKeys |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 4/25/12 at 3:09 PM
ServiceTransactionProvider<V extends ServiceTransaction> |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 4/4/12 at 4:27 PM
ServiceTransactionTable |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on Apr 13, 2010 at 2:08:12 PM
SQLBaseTransactionStore<V extends BasicTransaction> |
Generic SQL implementation.
SQLServiceTransactionStore<V extends ServiceTransaction> |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on May 12, 2010 at 9:52:58 AM
SSLConfigurationUtil2 |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 12/14/16 at 3:03 PM
StoreArchiver |
Class to encapsulate archive CRUD operations for a store.
StoreCommands2 |
This class exists because we cannot quite get the dependencies right otherwise.
Token |
General top-level object for tokens in a delegation system.
TokenAwareServer |
Since the processing of claims is to be supported for refresh tokens as well, the machinery for it should be
available generally to access and refresh token servers.
TokenFactory |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 10/19/23 at 1:08 PM
TokenFactory.TokenParse |
TokenForge |
Interface for creating tokens.
TokenImpl |
OAuth 1.0 tokens always have an associated shared secret.
TokenStoreCommands |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 12/14/20 at 2:38 PM
TokenUtils |
Utilities for working with tokens.
TransactionCache<V extends BasicTransaction> |
A cache.
TransactionCache.TransactionIndices<V extends BasicTransaction> |
The indices for a transaction store.
TransactionFilter |
A Filter pattern for working with servlets.
TransactionMemoryStore<V extends BasicTransaction> |
In-memory transaction storage.
TransactionState |
Used by the delegation servlet, this allows a programmer to intercept and process the HTTP
request and response.
TransactionStore<V extends BasicTransaction> |
A store for delegation transactions.
TransactionStoreCommands |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 11/16/20 at 3:16 PM
TransactionStoreProvider<T extends TransactionStore<? extends BasicTransaction>> |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 1/13/12 at 10:43 AM
TXRecordInterface |
Thanks to Java package restrictions, have to make an interface for TXRecords here.
UII2 |
UserInfo issuer for OAuth 2 class
UIIRequest2 |
Request to issuer for UserInfo.
UIIResponse2 |
User info issuer response
UIRequest |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
UIResponse |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
UIServer |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
UIServer2 |
Handles client UserInfo request to server
UnapprovedClientException |
Thrown when a client that has not been approved attempts a request on the server.
UnsupportedScopeException |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 8/17/15 at 2:30 PM
UnusedRule |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/12/24 at 4:37 PM
UpkeepThread |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 5/10/23 at 11:41 AM
UserInfo |
This class manages information related to the UserInfo OIDC query.
UUCConfiguration |
Typical configuration example:
UUCResponse |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/14/24 at 11:19 AM
UUCRetentionPolicy |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 5/11/23 at 6:45 AM
UUCThread |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 5/10/23 at 11:41 AM
Verifier |
Not all delegation models require verifiers.
VerifierImpl |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on May 3, 2011 at 1:30:15 PM
VICommands |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 2/22/21 at 8:01 AM
WrongPasswordException |
Created by Jeff Gaynor
on 6/1/23 at 9:50 AM