Class ListRule

  • public class ListRule
    extends MetaRule

    Created by Jeff Gaynor
    on 2/12/24 at 1:45 PM

    • Constructor Detail

      • ListRule

        public ListRule()
    • Method Detail

      • isBlackList

        public boolean isBlackList()
      • setBlackList

        public void setBlackList​(boolean blackList)
      • setIdList

        public void setIdList​(List<> idList)
      • setRegexList

        public void setRegexList​(List<String> regexList)
      • getIDlist

        public List<> getIDlist()
      • getRegexList

        public List<String> getRegexList()
      • getRuleFilter

        public RuleFilter getRuleFilter()
      • setRuleFilter

        public void setRuleFilter​(RuleFilter ruleFilter)
      • hasRuleFilter

        public boolean hasRuleFilter()
      • applies

        public boolean applies​( id)
        Does this rule apply to this list? This means that the argument fulfills the conditions in the list.
        id -
      • applyToID

        protected boolean applyToID​( id)
      • applyToID

        protected boolean applyToID​(String id)
      • applyToRegex

        protected boolean applyToRegex​(String id)
      • applies

        public boolean applies​(String id)