Class TokenAwareServer

    • Constructor Detail

      • TokenAwareServer

        public TokenAwareServer​( serviceClient,
                                URI issuer,
                                String wellKnown,
                                boolean serverOIDCEnabled)
    • Method Detail

      • getServiceClient

        public getServiceClient()
      • getJsonWebKeys

        public getJsonWebKeys()
      • getAndCheckResponse

        protected net.sf.json.JSONObject getAndCheckResponse​(String response)
      • getAndCheckIDToken

        protected IDTokenImpl getAndCheckIDToken​(net.sf.json.JSONObject jsonObject,
                                                 BasicRequest atRequest)
        Takes the response JSON object that contains the ID token and the request and checks that it is a valid ID Token for this client. Result is the actual ID token (also a JSON Object).
        jsonObject -
        atRequest -
      • getTokenEndpoint

        public URI getTokenEndpoint()
      • setTokenEndpoint

        public void setTokenEndpoint​(URI tokenEndpoint)