Class AdminClient

    • Field Detail


        public static int DEFAULT_MAX_NUMBER_OF_OIDC_CLIENTS
        The maximum number of OIDC (i.e. standard) clients an admin client may create before being refused by the system. This is to prevent error (e.g. an admin client is used in a script which is misbehaving). This may be increased and is simply the default for newly created admin clients.

        public static String PUBLIC_KEY_KEY
        Store in the config for this user. This will be used for secure communication.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AdminClient

        public AdminClient​( identifier)
    • Method Detail

      • setPublicKey

        public void setPublicKey​(PublicKey publicKey)
      • hasConfig

        public boolean hasConfig()
      • getIssuer

        public String getIssuer()
      • setIssuer

        public void setIssuer​(String issuer)
      • getExternalVOName

        public String getExternalVOName()
        The name, used by external applications for their VO. These names have nothing to do with OA4MP's virtual organization mechanisms and are typically just displayed to the user at some point.
      • setExternalVOName

        public void setExternalVOName​(String externalVOName)
      • getVirtualOrganization

        public getVirtualOrganization()
      • setVirtualOrganization

        public void setVirtualOrganization​( virtualOrganization)
      • getConfig

        public net.sf.json.JSONObject getConfig()
      • setConfig

        public void setConfig​(net.sf.json.JSONObject config)
      • getMaxClients

        public int getMaxClients()
        The maximum number of standard clients this admin client can create before the system refuses to accept any more.
      • setMaxClients

        public void setMaxClients​(int maxClients)
      • clone

        public BaseClient clone()
        Specified by:
        clone in interface
        clone in class BaseClient
      • isAllowQDL

        public boolean isAllowQDL()
      • setAllowQDL

        public void setAllowQDL​(boolean allowQDL)
      • allowQDLCodeBlocks

        public boolean allowQDLCodeBlocks()
      • setAllowQDLCodeBlocks

        public void setAllowQDLCodeBlocks​(boolean allowQDLCodeBlocks)
      • isNotifyOnNewClientCreate

        public boolean isNotifyOnNewClientCreate()
        CIL-607 required a better way to do this for more than new client notifications. Use BaseClient.isDebugOn() instead.
      • setNotifyOnNewClientCreate

        public void setNotifyOnNewClientCreate​(boolean notifyOnNewClientCreate)
      • isListUsers

        public boolean isListUsers()
        If this client can list information about a given users tokens.
      • setListUsers

        public void setListUsers​(boolean listUsers)
      • isListUsersInOtherClients

        public boolean isListUsersInOtherClients()
        If this client can list information about a given user's tokens from other clients. This implies that isListUsers() is true.
      • setListUsersInOtherClients

        public void setListUsersInOtherClients​(boolean listUserInOtherClients)
      • isAllowCustomIDs

        public boolean isAllowCustomIDs()
      • setAllowCustomIDs

        public void setAllowCustomIDs​(boolean allowCustomIDs)
      • isGenerateIDs

        public boolean isGenerateIDs()
      • setGenerateIDs

        public void setGenerateIDs​(boolean generateIDs)
      • getIdHead

        public URI getIdHead()
      • setIdHead

        public void setIdHead​(URI idHead)
      • isUseTimestampInIDs

        public boolean isUseTimestampInIDs()
      • setUseTimestampInIDs

        public void setUseTimestampInIDs​(boolean useTimestampInIDs)