Class UITokenUtils

  • public class UITokenUtils
    extends Object
    Mostly this is used in the UserInfoServlet where the handling has to be a bit different than in the token endpoint.

    Created by Jeff Gaynor
    on 5/3/21 at 4:02 PM

    • Constructor Detail

      • UITokenUtils

        public UITokenUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • getAT

        public static AccessTokenImpl getAT​(String rawAT)
        Given a string of some token (unknown format, e.g. from a header or passed in as a parameter) return an access token.

        Note this does not verify the token if it's a JWT! This is because one usage pattern for VirtualOrganization is to get the token, find the transaction, read the client, then determine the VO and check the keys. This call lets you bootstrap that process.
        rawAT -
      • getRawAT

        public static String getRawAT​(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
        Gets the current raw access token from either the header or as a parameter. This throws an exception none is found. Pass the result off to getAT(String) to ferret out the actual
        request -