Class OldTemplateResolver

  • public class OldTemplateResolver
    extends Object
    This will take a template (which is just a string with wildcards and a few other items) and resolve it against a given target.
    E.g. if the template is
    and the target is
    then this would resolve true if the user is named "bob" and fail otherwise.

    Created by Jeff Gaynor
    on 9/11/18 at 6:08 PM

    • Constructor Detail

      • OldTemplateResolver

        public OldTemplateResolver​(String username,
                                   Groups group)
    • Method Detail

      • hasGroups

        protected boolean hasGroups()
      • hasUsername

        protected boolean hasUsername()
      • check

        public boolean check​(String template,
                             String target)
        The template is stored in the configuration. The target is the actual scope passed in by the client in the request.
        template -
        target -