Class AuthorizationPath

  • public class AuthorizationPath
    extends Object

    Created by Jeff Gaynor
    on 9/11/18 at 6:25 PM

    • Constructor Detail

      • AuthorizationPath

        public AuthorizationPath​(net.sf.json.JSONObject json)
      • AuthorizationPath

        public AuthorizationPath​(String operation,
                                 String path,
                                 boolean isExtensible)
      • AuthorizationPath

        public AuthorizationPath​(String operation)
        Constructor for a fixed scope (e.g. compute.modify) that has no path and should never be downscoped.
        operation -
      • AuthorizationPath

        public AuthorizationPath​(String operation,
                                 String path)
    • Method Detail

      • isExtensible

        public boolean isExtensible()
      • setExtensible

        public void setExtensible​(boolean extensible)
      • getOperation

        public String getOperation()
      • getPath

        public String getPath()
      • hasPath

        public boolean hasPath()
      • toJSON

        public net.sf.json.JSONObject toJSON()
      • fromJSON

        public void fromJSON​(net.sf.json.JSONObject j)
      • fromString

        public void fromString​(String template)
        This allows populating this from a single string of the form operation:path
        template -
      • toPath

        public String toPath()
        Return this as path representation of this object. Note that this is used in comparisons, while toString() is used for printing and such.