Class MemoryAssetStore

    • Constructor Detail

      • MemoryAssetStore

        public MemoryAssetStore​(<Asset> identifiableProvider)
    • Method Detail

      • get

        public Asset get​(String identifier)
        Description copied from interface: AssetStore
        Simplifying calls. These should simply convert the string to an identifier.
        Specified by:
        get in interface AssetStore
      • getByToken

        public Asset getByToken​( token)
        Description copied from interface: AssetStore
        Part of solution to OAUTH-146: JSESSIONID bug causes session crossover if users have repeated failed attempts to get a cert and keep opening a new browser window each time.
        Specified by:
        getByToken in interface AssetStore
      • save

        public void save​(Asset value)
        Specified by:
        save in interface<Asset>
        save in class<Asset>
      • getXMLConverter

        public<Asset> getXMLConverter()
        Specified by:
        getXMLConverter in interface<Asset>
      • getMostRecent

        public List<Asset> getMostRecent​(int n,
                                         List<String> attributes)
        Specified by:
        getMostRecent in interface<Asset>