Class MyProxyServiceFacade

  • public class MyProxyServiceFacade
    extends Object
    A very simple facade that will carry out getting certificates using MyProxy Logon. This is intended for server-side use where there is a set configuration for repeated requests. There are two basic modes of operation:
    1. Username and passphrase are supplied on a per request basis
    2. A trust relation exists with the MyProxy server and credentials are retrieved by username.
    In all cases, a cert request must be supplied and the result will be a certificate chain. In the first case, a username and password must be supplied. In the second, no passphrase is needed (or a null one could be supplied).

    LOAs, that is to say different levels of assurance are also supported here if they are set in the ServiceFacadeConfiguration.

    Created by Jeff Gaynor
    on May 16, 2011 at 5:11:24 PM