Class ListDistroFiles

  • public class ListDistroFiles
    extends Object
    This is a utility class that has the logic of how to make a list of only the files in the current distribution. It takes one argument, the top-level directory of the distritution.

    Created by Jeff Gaynor
    on 5/25/24 at 6:41 AM

    • Constructor Detail

      • ListDistroFiles

        public ListDistroFiles()
    • Method Detail

      • say

        protected void say​(Object x)
      • createFileList

        protected void createFileList​(File rootDirectory)
        Create a file list. This is aware of the structure of the distribution and skips certain things. It only has the exact files -- no directories -- relative to the distribution and normalized. Later this list is used to get them as resources from the class loader.
        rootDirectory -
      • recurse

        protected void recurse​(File rootDirectory)